16 marzo 2010

Otro tema -- Simón Bolívar

Una lectora de mi viejo ensayo sobre las ideas políticas de Simón Bolívar me pregunta mi "opinión" del Libertador. Le contesté, Mi opinión sobre Simón Bolívar la verás en el ensayo. Primero, que es una figura histórica que merece muy serio análisis, un hombre capaz de asimilar las ideas europeas más avanzadas de su época y suficientemente pragmático para adaptarlas a la realidad americana, pero no del todo. Las guerras que lideró terminaron destruyendo el sistema de clases que presuponían esas ideas, y dejó a Bolívar, como él mismo decía, a la deriva, "arando en el mar". Pueden leer ese ensayo (en inglés, con síntesis en español) aquí:
LIBERTY AND PEOPLE Ideological Analysis of the Political Writings Of Simón Bolívar

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Geoffrey Fox's short story collection Welcome to My Contri (1988, enlarged e-book 2010) was described by The New York Times Book Review as a "short and impressive work" in which "Mr. Fox [...] has created a memorable set of players who, while not natural antagonists (they often share the same dreams and goals), are still somehow bent on confrontation. Watching their sometimes vicious, often darkly humorous interactions leaves us thoroughly wrung out and aware that we are in the presence of a formidable new writer". Novels: A Gift for the Sultan (2010), Rabble! (2022) His articles, op-eds and book reviews have appeared in The Nation, The New York Times, the Village Voice and other publications. Since 2008, Fox has been living with his partner, architect Susana Torre, on the edge of the Mediterranean in the village of Carboneras in Andalusia, Spain, where his short stories (in Spanish) under the pen name "Baltasar Lotroyo" ("el otro yo" = alter ego in Spanish) have appeared in anthologies and online publications.